Preliminary Treatment/Screening WW

This course was developed to provide operators working in the wastewater sector an introduction to the preliminary treatment processes. When you complete this course you will have an understanding of the functions and design considerations for bar screens, comminuting devices, grit chambers, proportional weirs, measuring devices and dissolved air flotation systems.

Introduction to Supervision WW

This course introduces the operator to basic supervision challenges they experience during the transition from operations to entry level management. This course is designed for people new to supervision and for those who have been managing for a short time and may benefit from additional training. The first step on the management ladder is the […]

Laboratory Basics WW

The objective of this course is to provide the operator with a general understanding of the laboratory process, instruments, glass ware and equipment used to perform analysis of water and wastewater. The course will provide definitions and descriptions of the types of technology currently available.

Asset Management WW

This course will describe the process and benefits of asset management in the water and wastewater industry. Once you have completed this course you will have an understanding of the management principles needed to make better operational decisions, improve emergency response and have the ability to plan and pay for future repairs and replacements.

Oxidation Ditches WW

This course is intended to introduce the water and wastewater operator to the oxidation process used in the water treatment industry. Operators will also learn how to analyze and solve operational problems and how to perform the mathematical calculations relating to wastewater treatment process control.

Lagoons – Ponds WW

This course will describe the types of ponds/lagoons used in the wastewater treatment industry. The course will discuss the natural stabilization processes, reactions, design, removal methods, restrictions, advantages and disadvantages. This course will examine the operational performance, maintenance, safety and problem solving.

Lift Stations WW

This course was developed to teach wastewater operators about the numerous components of a lift or pump station and how they operate. We will also explore the operation and maintenance of a lift station from the flow into the wet well through the discharge of the forced main. This course is ideal for wastewater operators […]

Introduction to Arsenic WW

The course provides the water  and wastewater operator with an overview of where arsenic originates and how arsenic is detected in water sources and distribution systems. You will be introduced to the compliance regulations, treatment technologies, best management practices and potential health risks.

Meters WW

This course was developed to provide an operator with an overview of meters used in a water or wastewater system to measure flow. Operators are required to calculate flow rates on a daily basis and record their findings, this course will describe why this is important to efficient operations.

Water Hydraulic Principles WW

This course provides the water and wastewater operator with an understanding how to calculate hydraulic grade lines, density, pressure, force, head loss and head pressure. The course explains the mathematical formulas required to perform fundamental hydraulic problems and provides problem solving and sample multiple choice test questions.

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